

In Wales we want all of our pupils to achieve success, so it is important that parents do their best to support pupils in attending school for the full 190 days in an academic year, as stated in the Education (School Day and School Year) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2006.

Under the Education Act (1996), it is the responsibility of the parent to ensure that their son/daughter attend school.

Regular school attendance is vital and missing school can have a significant impact on achievement over a one year period as illustrated below:

No absences due to holidays during term times will be authorised by the school. This means absences due to pupils being taken on holiday during term time will be recorded as unauthorised.

Upcoming Events

Class Photos

Class photos are on the 8th of May.

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A reminder that Friday 3/5 is an INSET day

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World Book Day

7th of March A day to celebrate reading and literacy- option to dress as your favourite character from a book.

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School Video

Sign of the week

